

“The poets work is to put into words those feelings we all have that are so deep, so important, and yet so difficult to name . . .”

  Jane Kenyon

Yes, the poet’s creation is work, but ultimately brings satisfaction when words are distilled and then re-assembled to produce, ultimately, the poet’s snapshot perception of the world that can be shared with others.

I hope, through my poems, I have been able to transmute my perceptions of life experiences through words, allowing a connection to the reader as I offer joys, sorrows, regrets, humor, and ultimately hope.

I have had a career as a Dermatologist and now find myself fully engaged in poetry and writing and am grateful to have had the ability and time to experience both worlds.

I am a mid-westerner, born in Omaha Nebraska, and have lived in Kansas, Missouri and currently Wisconsin.

I live near Lake Michigan which can still take my breath away, especially when the harvest moon hangs above the still water. I live with my husband, children and a ferocious five-pound Morkie, Dash.

May you find wonder in your own journey.